Monday, December 14, 2009

People change, don't they ?

Hi guys,

I'm kinda lazy to post something decent today - but it's the birthday of my long time friend Julia - and so it reminded me this chilly afternoon moment I spent with her at Antibes (French Riviera).
See the picture below. Yeah - I look different - nope? lol
And YES I allow you to laugh at me !


  1. I think that picture is a very good one of you, litte half Foxx/half Man! I see no reason anybody would laugh at that. I like that photo very much. :) You look very manly in this photo, but almost angry...grrrr! hahaha There's my laugh.
    <3 Sub

  2. So that's what the ukulele plant looks like!
    Hope you can take a picture earlier in the season next time, when it's blooming.

  3. You look so sad in this picture - almost like you knew what was going to happen. You have changed in appearance some - no more blonde hair. But you are still the same caring and lonely guy as always. You are an amazing friend.


  4. I know that tshirt :P
